How to access a hosting account via SSH

To access your hosting account via SSH, you should:

1. Contact our hosting support via Live Chat or via ticket system in order to enable SSH access for your account.

2. Open your SSH client, put your domain name or the IP address of the server into the Host Name field (you can also use server name here, you can check it using this tutorial), enter 21098 into the Port field, choose SSH as your connection type and press the Open button:

دسترسی به سرور مجازی لینوکس از طریق SSH

3. You will receive the Putty Security Alert. Press OK:

دسترسی به سرور مجازی لینوکس از طریق SSH

4. When prompted, enter your cPanel username and password (when you enter the password, it is automatically hidden for the security purposes):

دسترسی به سرور مجازی لینوکس از طریق SSH

That’s it!

دسترسی به سرور مجازی لینوکس از طریق SSH

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